Moving after college can be an intimidating but also exciting thought most graduates are faced with around the time as their graduation approaches. It’s a great way to broaden your horizons and embark on a new chapter in life. While becoming a real grown-up may sound scary and confusing, it is a chance to live by your own rules that comes with many perks. And with the help of these tips, you will have the question of how to move out after college down to a T.
Should I Move Right After College?
A question most of us ponder over with university days in the rear window is – Should I move right after college? We dread saying bye to friends we met at the uni as we try to find the cheapest way to move out of state, terrified of the average cost of the interstate moving we heard is about $4,000.
And, while moving out for the first time sounds scary and has its challenges – moving to a new state might just be the best move for your career and social and/or love life. With our tips, you’ll be able to know how to move efficiently, avoid all the moving mistakes, get rid of the anxiety about moving out after college, and get ready to start afresh in a new city.
Where Should I Move After College?
Whether you’re moving for love, to jumpstart your career, or you have other reasons to move – once you’ve set your mind to it, it’s time to decide where to go. Moving from a small town to a big city is what appeals to most university graduates as big cities offer more jobs and more social activities. Before you get on to making your checklist for moving to another state – check out Business Insider’s list of best cities for college grads to see which one works best for you.

If You’re Moving After College to a House of Your Own – Save up and Budget
Before you start packing and before hiring state to state movers – you need to save money and budget your future expenses. Even if you have a contract waiting for you, that paycheck won’t come until next month, and you will need some cash before that. Figure out how much you’ll be able to spend on rent and factor in the deposit (usually a month’s rent), utilities, your phone bill, any debt you may have, the money you’ll spend on furnishing, and some walking around money to get you through before payday.
If You’re Not Sure You’ll Be Able to Find Work or Do It All Alone – Get a Roommate
When you figure out just how much it costs to live on your own, you are bound to ask yourself – Should I have a roommate after college? There are many advantages to having a roommate – you can split rent and utilities, have a partner for cooking and household chores, and even find a friend for life. Ask around if someone you know is heading to the same city you are or find a roommate online. Figure out if you can afford to live on your own or you need a roommate and take a look at this video to hear the first-hand experience.
Tips on How to Find a Job After Graduation
Figuring out how to find a job after college must be your top priority right now if you already don’t have one. So, here are some tips to help you out with your job hunting.
Tip No1 – Start Building a Network in Your New City
Did you know that around 70% percent of people got their job through networking? That only goes to show the importance of networking, so get ready to schmooze with people over drinks. Explore your Facebook alumni network, ask your friends for contacts in your new area, use LinkedIn, don’t shy away from meeting new people, and delve into that hidden job market like a pro.
Your University Career Center Can Be a Great Resource
Why not use the help from your university career center if it is offered to you? It’s usually free, and it’s there to help you learn how to write a perfect resume and cover letter, go through interviews, land internships, and they usually have a list of jobs for you to browse. So, go for it!
Consider Great Entry-Level Positions – You Won’t Regret It
Most graduates are too consumed with finding a job that suits their newly gained credentials and one that can pay all that student debt that they fail to consider some great entry-level positions. If you’re unable to land the job you want after graduating, don’t miss out on some good entry-level opportunities – they’ll pay the bills, and you won’t have a gap in your resume. And who knows, maybe you can work your way up to the job of your dreams.

Is It OK to Take a Year off After College?
Taking a year off after graduating can be a great chance for you to figure out what you want in life, expand your horizons, hone your skills, volunteer, and make some useful contacts. You can also take some time off for a well-deserved vacation and travel abroad, but don’t make it all about having fun – try to use that time in a productive way as well.

Is It Normal to Move Back Home After College?
According to Forbes, around 50% of millennials move back home after college, and it is not for nothing – the economy is not as steady as it used to be, and the housing market is on the rise. It is especially hard for the 2020 graduates, considering the coronavirus crisis. So, don’t look at relocating back home as a failure and don’t delve into depression after moving back to mom and dad’s house – living with your folks has its perks.
Mom and dad must be the most dependable roommates one can get – they will likely cover all housing and utilities costs, and you will even have lunch prepared for you every day. So, use this opportunity to further develop and save up the money you need for moving across the country on your own. Don’t forget to take a deep breath, take your time to figure it all out, ask for help when you need it, and, most importantly – enjoy the new chapter of your life.