Blog November 28, 2020

How to Deal With the Best Friend Moving Away

Posted in How-to
Blake Shaw

Bostonian and residential moving and packing expert. Blake Shaw enjoys bar-hopping, music, and writing insightful content.

Finding out about a friend moving away can be heartbreaking, especially when you are young. But you won’t stay this sad forever, and long-distance friendships are a thing in this time and age. We should know, as we are experts on moving interstate, and we see this all the time. So, here’s how you can accept this new chapter of your life and what to do when your best friend moves away.

How to Deal With a Friend Moving Away?

Whether your buddy is relocating for a job, moving for love, or has other reasons to movemoving to a new state won’t be easy on them or you. These things happen, and as much as you may feel happy about them and the new chapter in life they’re about to embark on, you are bound to feel sad about them leaving, as well. And, it’s perfectly normal. Today, we help you deal with them going away in the best way possible.

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Create Memories You Can Revisit After They Leave

Use the time you have to make memories you can both hold onto when they leave. That way, the act of them going away will be easier for both of you, as you’ll have something to look at when you miss each other. So, record yourselves visiting some cool places and having fun, snap some photos of the two of you together enjoying life. It will also lessen any anxiety about moving out each one of you may feel.

Girls riding bicycles
Make your last weeks together memorable

Support Your Friend During the Move

While this may be super intense and hard on you, it’s much more so on pal, especially if they are moving out for the first time. They must be overwhelmed with issues like where to get free boxes, what and how many packing materials, and so forth. So, help your buddy find reliable state to state movers and choose the right moving services and packing services. Try to be of support in every aspect of the relocation and the life in the new place they’re going to, listen to them, and try to focus on the positives and benefits of moving, no matter how hard it may feel.

People carrying an armchair
Support your bestie in every aspect of this move

Saying Goodbye and Good Luck

Saying bye to friends is never easy, especially when they are moving to another state alone. Having some kind of closure might help both of you deal with the changes in life and the changes to your friendship. There are some things you could do to help both of you feel better about the whole situation. Here are some ideas.

Host a Goodbye Party for You Friend

While you are reading up on how to have a successful garage sale, you may also consider throwing your buddy a goodbye party. Call some of your mutual friends and your buddy’s friends you may not even be that close to and see how you can go about this. Depending on your logistics and your friend’s liking, you can even turn it into a surprise party. Just have in mind that it won’t all be fun and games, and your buddy or some of you may shed some tears or feel sad during the party – and that’s ok. Accept and don’t discourage anyone’s feelings.

Choose a Gift for Them to Remember the Friendship

You can even get your buddy a special going-away gift. You can choose to buy them something you know they like or something they might need in their new home. Also, you can make them a special token of your friendship. Remember those memories you recorded? You can make an album of the time you spent together, get them a coffee mug with a picture of the two of you together. Or you could write inspirational quotes and put them in a jar for them to open each day. Best believe they’ll like it!

People at home
Hosting a party is always a good idea

Seek Support From Your Other Friends

In this period, you will likely be more consumed with helping your buddy cope with the emotional strain of leaving and the practical side of the relocation process, but you shouldn’t disregard your own well-being. So, seek support from your other friends – let them know how you feel. We are sure they’ll be more than happy to listen to you and be there for you. That’s what friends are for! So, don’t be afraid to call them when you need them.

Consider Going to a Therapist for Professional Help

Though this may not be such a big deal and the worst thing that can happen – it might feel like a big deal and the end of the world to you, especially if you are young. There is no shame in contacting a professional therapist, especially if you have a lot on your plate. Best buddy going away can act as a trigger, especially if you have been dealing with depression or other mental issues. There are many E-therapists nowadays, and you can talk to a professional via Skype – it’s convenient and easy.

 People having lunch
Turn to other people for support and don’t hesitate to contact a professional if necessary

Embracing Your Feelings When a Friend Moves Away

You are bound to feel sad after your buddy has moved. You will find yourself with lots of extra time, and you may not know what to do on weekends or in your free time. Accept your feelings – adjusting to the new situation will take time and work. Try to surround yourself with your other friends and keep yourself busy. Go out, discover new things and interact with new people – who knows, you may meet someone special.

It’s always good to keep yourself busy at times like this

Staying in Touch When a Friend Moves Away

Even though your contact is bound to lessen, you can still stay good friends! Nowadays, it’s so easy to stay in touch with someone, even if they are in a different country. So, there’s no reason you and your buddy can’t text or video call each other on Facebook or Skype. You can still be there for each other, just in a different way. You can also visit each other when you have a chance and, who knows, maybe you’ll be living in the same city sometime in the future once again. Like they say – True friends don’t say goodbye – they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.

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