Blog January 29, 2021

Who to Notify When Moving – All You Should Know

Posted in Moving 101
Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

You are planning to move to another state or a city? Then there are certain things you need to take care of before your move. If you are wondering who to notify when moving, you came to the right place. Here is an ultimate checklist of all who should know about your change of address.

Tell Your Friends and Family

Who to notify when you are moving? Well, naturally, the answer is your friends and family, first and foremost. No matter what your reasons to move are, you will want their help and support. If you are moving to the suburbs, for instance, they can help you in your relocation. On the other hand, if you are in the process of interstate moving, you will want to say a proper goodbye to them. Saying goodbye to a friend is never easy, but you can always visit each other, so make sure your friends have your new address.

Friends laughing
Set a date for your friend’s visit right away

Who to Notify of an Address Change Before Your Move

Moving to a new state means a lot of hard work, and there are many things you need to think about, and changing the address of your essentials and utilities is one of these things. You are probably wondering, “when should you change your address when moving?” Well, it would be good if you can notify your utility providers about your move one week before, so when you’re at your new home, you have all essentials working correctly, especially if you are moving in winter. Also, you should notify your current landlord about your relocation, and of course, your employer. Do so, and you can arrange getting your deposit back as well as iron out all the details about your workplace.

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Notify Your Utility Providers About Your Moving

So, when you move, who should you notify? This question is the first that pops into your mind. As we mentioned above, first call essential utility providers like – power, heat, and water. You will then need to contact the internet, phone, cable, garbage, and sewer providers. Maybe some of the services will not be up and running immediately, but your waiting period will be much shorter.

Talk to Your Post Office.

The best way to notify change of address is through your UPS service. Before your move, call your post office and ask them to forward your mail to your latest address. Make sure to give UPS the correct number, and all of your mail and packages will be delivered. This way, you will have time to let everybody know about your change of location.

post office sign
Make sure to forward your mail and packages

Medical and Educational Services

If you are moving with kids, go to your pediatrician before relocation and ask for a copy of your children’s medical files. So if you have some emergency, you will have their medical history on you. Of course, your old doctor will transfer all the files and prescriptions to the new one. This is just a precaution. Also, make sure to move all your kid’s school records as well.

Medical files
Transfer all your and your kids’ medical files

Change of Address – Who to Notify After Move to a New House

Now that you are in your new house, it is time to call other public services that need to be informed about your latest address:

  • DMV – When moving interstate, you only have 10-30 days to transfer your driver’s license and car registration and insurance, so do this immediately after relocation.
  • Government – This is not such an urgent matter. Still, you will have to inform several agencies about your address change, and the local Social Security administration and electoral office should be a priority.
  • The IRS – Well, you know how they say that nothing is certain but death and taxes. So make sure your address is updated correctly. They will need your latest location to send you a tax return, forms, and other documents. Go to the IRS website and fill out the change of address form.
You will need to change your car plates too

Inform Your Insurance and Bank

Update address on all your insurance policies – health, car, homeowner, life, and others on time. Go to your bank, too. If you wish to use their service in a new city (maybe to buy a house,) ask them to recommend to you some agent to meet with him when you arrive regarding your house credit. Also, you can change your credit card and account address online or on the application.

man signing a document
If you have your phone and credit card on you, shifting address will last five minutes

Memberships and Subscriptions

Maybe the least important thing at the moment is your membership at the gym, but you can forget about this, and the charges will go on your credit card. So if you are a member of any sports club, gym, or course, make sure to cancel your membership on time or to transfer them to a new state. Inform your magazine or newspaper delivery service that you will change your address. Maybe you will have to go in person to do this for some companies, but a simple phone call or email will do the trick in most cases.

 man working out at the gym
Cancel gym membership fee on time, or transfer membership to a new address

Finally, Who to Notify When Moving as Well?

When talking about who to notify when you move, don’t forget about your state to state movers. Especially if you are into the last-minute move, their moving services will be of great help. But if you have time for relocation, then hire a moving company in advance if you wish to have a stress-free move. If you hate to do all the packing and unpacking, pay for their packing services. If you have to move, but your house is not ready, use storage facilities for your belongings. Movers will ship your stuff to the latest location whenever your home is prepared.

And last but not least, prepare your car for shipping and put it in your mover’s’ safe hands for auto transport. Bear in mind that cars can travel longer than you, so make sure your movers are informed on time.

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