Blog November 28, 2020

How to Survive Moving With Kids

Posted in How-to
Blake Shaw

Bostonian and residential moving and packing expert. Blake Shaw enjoys bar-hopping, music, and writing insightful content.

Moving with kids can be complicated and overwhelming for the whole family. How will the children react, will everything go without consequences, and many other questions may start running through your head. A move during childhood can have a significant impact, so try to do it properly as much as you can. Here are some helpful tips for moving with kids in a stress-free way.

How Do You Move With Children?

How to move with kids? The answer to this question depends on your child because everyone is different and moving with children is very unpredictable. However, what is necessary is to tell them as soon as possible. Sit down and schedule each detail of the move with the youngest ones. Also, making a checklist for moving to another state can be helpful.

Tell Them as Soon as Possible

Don’t do the last minute moving. Tell the youngsters the exact date in advance and explain to them what it would be like in a future house when you move. Help them to be enthusiastic and positive about leaving their previous lives and finding new possibilities and friends. To make them feel relaxed, let them ask questions and give them truthful answers. This is one of the most important things you can do to help them recognize their emotions.

Mother and daughter are talking
Explain everything about the relocation to your kid on time

Tips on How to Involve Your Kids In the Process

There are a couple of ways or tips on how you can do this. The youngest family members can help you organize a garage sale. Then they can offer their options to paint the living room walls or even help you choose the future home. Also, there are plenty of innovative ways to reuse packaging materials and create move-in day fun.

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They Can Sort and Pack Their Own Moving Boxes

Try to customize box labels with your children’s names written on them and let them decorate them with stickers. Encourage them to pack their moving essentials themselves. They might need your advice depending on their age, or if they are too young, you can do it yourself. Divide all the boxes into sections: for keeping, for discarding and selling or donating.

Make a Happy Game Out of It

By converting packing into one big game they will like, use the competitive spirit of your youngsters to your advantage. Set a time for packing boxes, and let them pack as much as they can during that time. In order to get points, everything must be packed perfectly, and the winner gets some sort of reward.

Take a Look at This Video to See How to Host a Party Before You Move:

Hosting a moving away party will help give them closure when they leave their old home and their best buddies. As a celebration of the years your family spent there, throw a party at your old home and say bye to friends. If you don’t know where to start with your party decor, watch the video below.

Not Making a New House Comfortable Is a Common Mistake

You may be relocating to a future home or even moving to a new state, but by setting up your living room in the same configuration or having the same morning habits, you can keep things familiar. Also, strive to maintain whatever rituals you have held in your old home, such as family movie nights or breakfast on Sunday morning.

Kids Should Adjust to New Social Groups

Many of them are concerned about being a newbie in a group, and some find it challenging to make new friends. We always expect from them to make friends on their own, but we need to teach them how. Also, understanding that transitioning to a new environment doesn’t mean they can’t keep old friendships is crucial. They should remain in contact with old buddies on social media, and you should allow your child to use the web as a way to keep in touch.

Girls on the floor drawing
Help your child adjust by doing different activities

Adaptation Process Could Last for Weeks

Children accept different situations at their own rate, but most researchers say that it takes them at least six months to acclimatize to their new life entirely. Age plays a huge factor in the level of anxiety about moving out. Ensure you don’t disrupt their development, success in school, or opportunity to make friendships so they can have a stress-free transition. While a change can have its difficulties, they can have some benefits from changing the environment by learning how to adapt to different circumstances.

child sitting in a box peeking out
When you are relocating with the young ones, give them at least half of the year to adapt

What Is the Best Age to Move a Child?

Does moving a lot affect a child? Frequent relocations take a toll on the social and emotional well-being of your offspring. Every move is related to minor changes in cognitive skills and mental and behavioral problems at all ages. These problems can accumulate, but the impacts are minimal. However, those who move often are at higher risk.

Relocating With Young Children

It would be better to move with children that are under the age of five since very young kids are less resistant to relocating. The younger they are, the easier will they adapt and make friendships quickly. Many families think that children should go to school with the same group of people and have continuity throughout their education, so they often choose to move before kindergarten.

Relocating With Teens

How does moving house affect a child? Depending on the particular teen, and the reasons to move, the experience of an interstate moving differs wildly. Moving out of state with children can be challenging, and they can be pretty emotional about it and even develop depression after moving. Moving with kids out of state is always hard regardless of their age. But if a family has lived for a long time in a certain place, it could be more difficult to leave during their teenage years.

Teens can be quite attached to the home in which they grow up, and in terms of belonging and support, their buddies are important. Building their social circles could have taken years, and the thought of starting that all over again can be shocking. Some teenagers may enjoy an adventure, but others may regret losing a close community of friends and a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

A girl smiling
Some teens will be happy to know everything about the opportunities in a new environment

Things to Know About Kid-Friendly Companies When Moving With Kids

Check the website or blogs of the chosen cross country moving company to see if they have exclusive deals or programs directed toward children. On relocation days, some long-distance moving companies can arrange some type of childcare or pets day-care services. Other companies have created innovative ways of involving the youngest ones on move-in days, such as offering a kit for youngsters to focus on during the relocation.

If you need other services, long-distance movers can help you with packing, storage services, or unloading or loading. In the meanwhile, you and your kids can focus on meeting the new neighbors while the company does everything else, providing you a stress-free moving experience.

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