No matter how hard you try to organize everything, there is always a chance of forgetting something to do or pack. This is why we decided to list the most common things you forget to do when you move and help you avoid potential problems in the long run. Here are some useful tips on how to keep your relocation under control and organize the relocation smoothly.
Creating a Moving Checklist Weeks in Advance Is Key to Remembering All the Things to Do – And It’s Totally Free!
Feeling anxious about relocating is absolutely justified, especially if you’re moving out for the first time. For that reason, having a checklist for relocating to another state is of essential importance to keep everything under control and help you move efficiently.
The best way to have your checklist updated regularly is to keep it close to yourself. Taking notes on your phone or using an app for creating to-do lists will be the most effective way to have easy access to your list. Also, organize your checklist according to tasks and divide it into smaller pieces. Creating deadlines next to each task is another great way to follow how the packing process is going and how much time you have left until the moving day.

Curious to Know What Things People Forget to Pack?
If you’ve ever wondered what items people most commonly forget to box up or what the things you forget to pack might be, here is the ultimate list to help you organize packing to move and bring everything with you. Although it may seem impossible to skip any of those belongings, it happens all the time, and here is how to avoid these mistakes.
Believe It or Not, Documents Are High on the List of Forgotten Items
Since the majority of us fail to properly organize important documents and keep them all around the home, it’s not that weird that the most common items people don’t pack are documents. Another reason is that those are so important that we all think there is no chance we’ll leave them behind. For that reason, dividing documents into categories and following the list is the best solution to take all of them with you. Here is how you can organize the categories, especially when relocating your family to another state:
- Personal documents – IDs, driving licenses, passports, birth certificates, diplomas, marriage certificates,
- Job-related documents – professional qualifications, previous contracts, evaluations,
- Car-related documents – vehicle registration, insurance policies,
- Finances-related documents – bank or IRS paperwork,
- Medical records, this is always important to bring, and even more so if you’re moving while pregnant or plan to move with a newborn.
- Children’s school records.
Don’t Let Packing the Laptop and Mobile Phone Chargers or Headphones Slip Your Mind
Not being able to use your mobile phone or laptop because you forgot to take the charger with you is definitely one of the most frustrating situations that can happen during or after the trip to the new home. For that reason, listing those on your moving essentials checklist is one of the best methods to ensure you will take them with you and have a completely stress-free move.
Put Medicines and Supplements on Your Checklist to Avoid Headaches
Although it’s hard to believe, other items people most commonly omit to pack are medicines and supplements. This can be very problematic if they are moving interstate and need to use meds on a daily basis. Creating an essential relocation box and putting documents, medicines, and all other stuff you may find useful to have by your side while traveling to the new home is the best tip we can give you. Also, if you’re relocating with kids, don’t forget to pack meds that prevent nausea.
Packing Small Items Can Easily Slip Your Mind, Too
The greatest chances of forgetting to box up something have to do with small belongings, even if you use them every single day:
- Keys – home keys, car keys, gate keys, mailbox keys, and storage areas are always in danger of being left behind.
- Personal care and hygiene products – shampoos, soaps, showering gels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, perfumes, and other toiletries are among the most overlooked belongings since you’ll be using them until the last minute.
- Electronic gadgets like remote controls, joysticks, speakers, cameras, or USBs are also at risk of being forgotten if they are not on the packing list.
- Although it may seem impossible to overlook any of your precious jewelry pieces, it happens all the time, so make sure to get them properly packed.

Don’t Forget to Check Which Items Movers Won’t Move
If you want to avoid any problems when the time comes to pack the moving truck, explore what items movers won’t move, especially if you are preparing an interstate move. Since there are different state regulations on importing plants and pets, one of the very first things to do when relocating to a new state is to explore the laws. This way, you will be able to do the right thing for your pets and find an alternative way to ship plants to your new house or apartment since those two should definitely not be on your packing list.
Aside from this, there are many other possessions that movers can not accept to transport, like any hazardous and flammable materials and objects, sharp objects, firearms, or illegal substances.

Things to Remember to Do When Moving
Although the main focal point when organizing the relocation is boxing up, there are also many other tasks to include in your to-do list to organize the relocation seamlessly. Also, remember that you should leave the place in perfect condition before handing the keys over to the landlord or new tenants, so resolve all the issues that could potentially bother them. Here are some useful tips on how to organize your home for relocation and prepare it for new residents.
Declutter at Least One Month Before the Moving Day
One of the most effective ways to organize your move is to downsize your household. Not only will this help you pack your belongings faster, but it also will leave you with only the stuff you actually need in the new living space. So make sure to organize the decluttering process at least one month before the relocation and decide what to get rid of when relocating, i.e. decide what to donate, give away, recycle, or throw away.
Having fewer possessions on your packaging list will also decrease the costs of the relocation since all prices are based on the inventory list. If you want to learn more useful tips on how to declutter your house properly, check out the video below! These ideas will certainly help you do it better.
Cancel the Services You Won’t Use in Your New Home or Update Them
Paying for utilities you don’t use anymore once you relocate to another place is not exactly a smart financial decision. Create a list of all services you currently use and explore what solutions they provide. If any of them operate in the area you’re relocating to, then you will simply update the contract. In case they don’t, cancel them or transfer them to the new tenant.
Change the Address and Notify All Concerned Parties – It’s Easier Than You Expect
Updating the home address is of tremendous importance when moving interstate since you don’t want to miss out on any crucial letter, notice, or package. Making a list of who to notify when relocating and doing so at least three weeks before you relocate is essential. Here are the parties you should place high on this list:
- USPS – You can start by changing your home address with the U.S. Postal Service and save the future residents from having to research how to stop getting mail for previous residents. You can update it using an online form or directly in your local post office.
- The IRS is another institution you are obligated to notify. You can also do it online by filling out this form.
- Banks and other financial institutions also require a notice of the change of address, so consult them on how to do it.
- Updating voter registration is of importance if you want to use your voting right at the next elections. Check the procedure in the state you’re relocating to since voter registration is managed at the state level.
- Updating your driving license is also essential to do. Explore the regulations of each state and modify them accordingly at the local DMV.
- Social security should also find a place on your list. The process of updating addresses is very simple, and you can do it through their online system or by contacting the local office.
Make Arrangements With State to State Movers at Least Two Months in Advance
Moving state to state is a complex process, and you will definitely need professional assistance to take you through the whole thing. Knowing your relocation date at least two months in advance is essential to organize the process. So contact reliable and trustworthy movers who will provide you with all the moving services you need. Also, if you have some bulky or heavy stuff to move, ask about the packing services they can offer you and book them in advance, too.
Overlooking to Label the Boxes Can Cost You a Lot of Nerves
Another most common thing people overlook is labeling the boxes properly. This is important because it’s the most secure way to protect your delicate and breakable belongings, and also because once you get to your new place, you will know how to start the unpacking process. So apply our useful tips once you start boxing up your belongings.
Prepare Your Car for Shipping Properly
If you want to ship your car to another state, remember to schedule the auto transport services, choose the pickup and delivery point, type of trailer, and prepare the car for shipping. The details the majority of people forget when it comes to car preparation include emptying the tank, disabling the alarm, and making all repairs and check-ups before the relocation company loads it on the trailer.

Follow Our Tips, and the Things You Forget to Do When You Move Won’t Be an Issue!
Now that you know all the most common mistakes other people make when they organize their relocation, you will be properly prepared not to do the same. Just make sure you always have your to-do checklist near you and revise it regularly. This is the most effective way to track the progress of your relocation and organize it impeccably.