Blog August 1, 2022

Moving Day Tips That Will Make Your Relocation Stress Free

Posted in Moving 101
Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

The final few days of your move are the pinnacle of the entire process – but keep in mind that your relocation is far from over. Before getting on the road to a new home, there is still a long list of tasks to do. However, with the help of our moving day tips, you can ease this difficult and demanding time. Make sure you memorize them and use them when relocation comes.

Get up Bright and Early – and Don’t Forget About Breakfast

Any person that has experience with moving interstate will tell you it’s not a good idea to start the big day by sleeping in and skipping breakfast. You might have to set the alarm clock a bit earlier than what you’re used to and go for a high-calorie breakfast early in the morning, but you’ll be glad you did it afterward. An early start and a full stomach will provide you with the time and energy you need to move into your new house as soon as feasible.

However, you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep. For one, you’ll likely be doing a lot of physical labor during the move, and you’ll need all the energy you can get. Additionally, packing and unpacking can be mentally exhausting, so you’ll want to be well-rested before tackling all the tasks left on your to-do list. Keep in mind that the anxiety about relocating can take a toll on your mental and emotional health, so it’s important to get as much rest as possible before you start with relocation day preparations.

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Dress Comfy and Wear Appropriate Shoes

One of the simplest ways of making this period less difficult is to give your clothing enough thought. If you make one of the most common relocation mistakes of wearing the wrong clothes, you’ll end up feeling uncomfortable and or even risk getting wounded. Imagine bringing a large box down the stairs while wearing heels or flip-flops; you may easily trip and suffer serious injury.

When it is time to pack clothes comes, ensure you leave:

  • Close-toed footwear – shoes with low heels, like sneakers, are favored,
  • Clothing with no loose fabric,
  • Wardrobe with pockets,
  • Outfits that match the weather.

Additionally, if you don’t have short hair, make sure you tie it before all the work starts. Lifting heavy loads requires concentration, so keep distractions and obstacles to a minimum.

woman wearing comfy clothes
Dress appropriately for the big day

One of the Best Moving Day Tips – Pack a Bag of Essentials

Unpacking after relocation can last for days or even weeks, and in all of that time, some of your items can be hard to find. In order to prevent having to constantly search among your boxes, you should prepare a box with the relocation essentials. Although it’s entirely up to you to decide what your necessities are, you should consider including:

  • Essential documents – birth and marriage certificates, ID and credit cards, school, tax, and medical records, insurance paperwork,
  • Personal care items – toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, towels, perfumes, medicines,
  • Electronics and their chargers,
  • Valuables – cash, jewelry, heirlooms,
  • Food and beverages,
  • Change of clothes.

In some cases, long-distance moving essentials must contain not only belongings you’ll need on the trip to your future home but for a few first days in it, as well. Beeding, plates, glasses, and things alike are also considered necessities. For more ideas about what should also be included in the essential box(es), take a look at the video below.

Arrange a Sitter for Your Kids and Pets

The final stages of planning a move to another city are chaotic, which can be a big issue, especially when you’re relocating with kids. Your home will be occupied by individuals relocating large and bulky goods, so you won’t be able to fully concentrate on your young ones. Because of this, it’s usually advisable to ask a friend to watch over them or hire a babysitter during this period.

The same goes for cats and dogs on any other pet you possess. It’s not a good idea to just let them wander around – they can get harmed or lost. That is why you should have someone watching over your furry friends if you’re relocating with pets.

Dog with pet toys after long-distance moving
You must ensure those who depend on you are entirely safe during this period

Check the Weather Forecast and Protect Floors Based on It

If you’re planning on relocating interstate, it’s always a good idea to check the local weather forecast first. This way, you can be prepared for any potential inclement weather that may occur during your move. Checking the forecast can help you avoid any stressful situations or delays that could come as a result of bad weather.

On the other hand, if the relocation date does bring bad weather, you must be prepared for it. For example, relocating during the rain or planning a move in the winter can be tricky, with muddy shoes that harm rugs, carpets, and floors. As a result, it’s crucial to protect the floors, both in your old and new home.

For starters, you should palace doormats outside each door, so you and the movers can clean your shoes before entering the home. Additionally, in the busiest areas, lay down anti-slip floor protection rolls. Of course, no matter the weather, you should use furniture sliders for bulky objects to avoid scratching the hardwood surfaces.

Take a Photo Inventory of Your Stuff

Accidents can occur regardless of the movers’ expertise or skill level. However, If damage occurs during the interstate moving, the company you work with may not provide you with the compensation unless you can’t show that the harm was brought on by the movers. Therefore, make sure to snap pictures of every valuable object before the movers show up at your door.

Photographs can also be an excellent way to refresh your memory. Both the arrangement of the décor in your previous residence and the placement of the numerous cords behind the electronics can be tough to recall. By capturing photographs, you may quickly get your TV up and running without having to worry about anything. This action is even more important if you’re getting packing services and won’t be the one dealing with packing electronics, furniture, and the like.

White cord on a black surface
Taking pictures will help you unpack much faster

Clear a Path and Prepare for State-to-State Movers

If you decide to get cross-country moving services, there are a few things you can do to make a job easier for the movers (and hopefully prevent any potential headaches during this period). One of the most important things you can do is to clear a path from your front door to the truck. This means getting rid of any potential obstacles in the way, such as furniture, boxes, clutter, paintings on the wall, children’s toys, and so on.

However, clearing the path is not the only thing you must do when preparing for movers. You’ll also need to prepare soap and clean towels, secure drinks and food for everyone, and clean the appliances and furniture. Additionally, you should think about setting aside some cash for tipping movers if they’ve succeeded in making your move to a new home an enjoyable experience.

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Have a Final Walkthrough Before You Leave

The final walkthrough is an important step when you’re relocating to a new state, but it’s especially important if you’re leaving a rental property. It’s your last chance to check the condition of the property and make sure that nothing is forgotten and everything is in order before you turn in the keys.

Here are some tips for a successful final walkthrough:

  • Schedule the walkthrough with your landlord or property manager,
  • Do a thorough inspection of the property, checking for any damage or repairs that need to be made,
  • Take photos or videos of the condition of the property,
  • Discuss the list with your landlord or property manager and come to an agreement on who will be responsible for the repairs,
  • Sign a final walkthrough report that outlines the condition of the property and any agreed-upon repairs,
  • Return the keys to your landlord or property manager and say goodbye to your old home.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I stay calm on moving days?

This period can be hectic and stressful. There are a lot of things to do and remember, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. However, staying organized and focused can be of great help. Make a list of everything that needs to be done and put it in order of priority, and delegate tasks to other family members or friends who are helping with the move. Still, remember to take breaks as needed.

2. What to expect on a moving day?

The day of your move can be both exciting and stressful. Exciting because you are finally relocating into your new home and starting a new chapter in your life. Stressful because there is so much to do and coordinate during this period. However, if you want a smooth and stress-free experience, hiring movers is always a good idea. That way, professionals will arrive at your current home and take all the hard work off your back.

3. Why is moving so hard emotionally?

One of the most difficult things about moving state-to-state is the emotional toll it can take. Even if you’re excited about the move, leaving behind your current home and community can be hard. You may have to say goodbye to friends and family, and you may not know anyone in your new community. One of the best ways to make this transition easier is to focus on relocation benefits and stay positive about the move.

4. Why is moving so stressful?

There are many reasons why relocation is stressful. It can be a big life change, and it can be hard to adjust to a new place. There can also be a lot of logistics involved in moving, so it can be tough to organize a move. Additionally, people often have a lot of sentimental attachments to their homes, and it can be difficult to leave those behind. Ultimately, though, moving is stressful because it represents a change in the status quo. And change can be scary – but it can also be exciting. And if you’re prepared for it, it can be a great opportunity to start fresh and make some new memories.

5. How do you not freak out when moving?

The best way to not freak out when relocating is to be prepared. Make sure you have a list of everything you need to do and a timeline of when things need to be done. Start packing early and pack smart by learning some helpful tips for moving. Label all of your boxes, so you know what goes where. And most importantly, don’t procrastinate. The less you have to do at the last minute, the less likely you are to freak out.

Another way to keep calm is to hire professional movers. They can handle all of the heavy lifting and logistics for you and help you move efficiently, which will take a lot of the stress off of your shoulders. Plus, they can pack everything up quickly so that you don’t have to worry about it.

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