Blog July 26, 2022

7 Benefits of Moving to a Smaller Home

Posted in Moving 101
Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

Have you made the decision to downsize from a large house to a condo or an apartment? If so, know that there are many upsides of moving to a smaller home, from affordability to energy efficiency. We will explore all the reasons why downsizing can be a great decision for you and your family – and there are plenty of them.

Should You Really Move to a Smaller Home?

It’s a common refrain among young people these days: they can’t afford to buy a home, so they’re forced to rent or live with their parents. The high cost of living, especially in big cities, is often cited as the main reason for this trend. But what if downsizing could actually save you money?

It’s evident that people who downsize to tiny homes end up saving a lot – the exact amount will depend on the city you want to live in. Still, that’s a significant amount of money that could be used to pay down debt, build up savings, or simply enjoy a better quality of life.

Of course, there are other factors to consider before making the decision to move to a smaller place. For instance, you’ll need to be sure that you’re comfortable with less space and that you won’t miss the amenities of a larger house. That is why you should consider the pros and cons of each choice and find the solution that works best in your situation.

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How to Start the Task of Moving From a Large Home to a Smaller

When you’re relocating from a large house to a smaller one, it can be tough to know where to start. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started on the task of downsizing:

Pack the Things You Want to Keep

When organizing packing, there are a number of things to consider when deciding what to keep and what to let go. One of the most important things to think about is how much space you actually have. If you’re downsizing from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment, for example, you’re going to have to be a lot more selective about what you keep.

Another thing to consider is how often you use or need the items you’re considering keeping. If you haven’t used something in years, chances are you can live without it. On the other hand, if you use something on a daily basis, it’s probably worth keeping. Make sure you know what you want to keep before getting packing services.

Cleaning your place from top to bottom

This will help your soon-to-be-old place look its best when potential buyers come to take a look (if you want to sell the house). Here is what should be on your to-do list:

  1. Thoroughly sweep, mop, and vacuum all floors.
  2. Wipe down all surfaces, including countertops, cabinets, appliances, and fixtures.
  3. Clean out the fridge and oven (if necessary).
  4. Dust all ceilings, walls, door frames, and light fixtures.
  5. Wash all windows inside and out.

Start marketing

Once you know what your place is worth, it’s time to start marketing it. The best way to do this is to list it on the MLS, which is the multiple listing service that real estate agents use. This will give your house the most exposure to potential buyers. You can also market it by holding an open house or by putting up signs in your neighborhood. Don’t forget to list it on websites like Zillow and Trulia, either.

Hire a Reputable Relocation Company

One of the most important things to do when relocating to a new state is to look for a reputable company and hire movers that can help you relocate efficiently and safely. A lot of things need to be taken care of when it comes to moving state-to-state, and you don’t want to worry about anything going wrong. Choosing a good relocation company will have a lot of experience in handling all sorts of relocation situations, so you can rest assured that they will know exactly what to do in order to make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Decluttering Is the Most Important Step Before Before Calling State-To-State Movers

Decluttering will help you get rid of items you don’t need or use and decide what to keep. Clutter can be defined as anything that is no longer useful, serving a purpose, or bringing you joy. Most of us are guilty of holding on to things that we don’t need, and when it comes time to move to a tiny space, this can be a real problem. Not only will it be difficult to find a place for everything, but all that extra stuff will add to the cost of your move.

The first and most important step before getting long-distance moving services is to declutter your place. This will not only make the whole process easier, but it will also save you money on your move – keep in mind that movers usually charge based on the weight of your inventory. The less stuff you have to move, the less it will cost you.

Here are some of the decluttering tips you’ll need if you’re planning on an interstate moving to a new, smaller house:

  • Start by going through each room and getting rid of anything that you don’t use or need,
  • Once you have decluttered your place, make a list of everything that you need to pack and move,
  • Get rid of anything that is taking up space,
  • Keep only items you’ll use or those with high value (monetary or sentimental),
  • If you have items that are sentimental, but you don’t need them, consider giving them to family or friends,
  • Give the items away (have a garage sale, donate items to charity or gift them to your loved ones).

#1 First Benefit of Moving to a Smaller Home Is a Cheaper Purchase Price

One of the most obvious reasons to downsize your home is to save money. A smaller place will almost always be less expensive than a larger one, both in terms of the initial purchase price and the ongoing costs of ownership. If you’re looking to save money on your housing costs when relocating to a new home, downsizing is a great way to do it.

So you can visualize the difference between prices, take a look at the one and three-bedroom rent costs in an expensive and a more affordable city:

Price per square foot in NYC, NY, Price per square foot in Jackson, Tennessee
Rent for One-bedroom $4,130 - $7,130 $750 - $940
Rent for Three-bedroom $2,330 - $3,560 $1,375-$1400

#2 Moving to a Smaller House Means Less Cleaning

A tiny house brings considerable time efficiency when it comes to cleaning your place. Have you ever climbed and descended three flights of stairs with a heavy vacuum? It’s unpleasant. The only other option is to acquire a vacuum for each level of your home, or you may choose not to vacuum at all. Additionally, a big house makes it easier to accumulate more “things,” which means more “stuff” that needs to be preserved and cleaned. However, tiny homes mean fewer storage options, which implies there will be fewer things to deal with when tidying up.

Woman holding cleaning supplies after long-distance moving
Bigger homes inevitably bring more surface that needs to be cleaned

#3 Smaller Home Means Lower Bills

One of the benefits of relocating to a smaller residence is that it can lead to a lower monthly electric bill. Smaller homes require less electricity to power and maintain, so you may see a decrease in your monthly bill after downsizing. Additionally, if you’re currently paying for amenities like a pool or hot tub, downsizing may help you save money on your monthly costs.

Of course, If you’re currently paying a mortgage on a large home, downsizing can reduce your monthly payment by a significant amount. Additionally, smaller homes generally have lower insurance rates than larger homes. This means that even if you don’t reduce your monthly mortgage payment by downsizing, you’ll likely still see a decrease in your overall housing costs.

Your Property Taxes Will Be Lower

If you own a smaller home, your property taxes will be lower. This is because assessment values are based on the square footage of your home. So, if you have a 1,000-square-foot place, your assessed value will be lower than someone with a 2,000-square-foot house. Of course, other factors affect your property taxes, such as the value of your residence and the tax rate in your area. But, if all things are equal, a smaller home will have lower property taxes.

A driveway to a suburban house
Lower square footage of your home is beneficial when tax season comes

#4 Smaller Space Encourages Simple Living

There’s something very appealing about the idea of living in a smaller space. Maybe it’s the thought of having less to clean, the possibility of being closer to family, and the opportunity to really focus on what’s important in life. Whatever the reason, more and more people are downsizing their homes in an effort to simplify their lives.

#5 You Can Get Creative With Customizing the Space

One of the benefits of a smaller residence is that it is easier to customize. If you have a specific style or vision in mind for your new place, it will be much easier to achieve in a smaller space. You won’t have to worry about making too many compromises in order to make your vision a reality.

Additionally, it may be very expensive to furnish a large house with vaulted ceilings, two living areas, and four bedrooms. Decorating can cost much more money! It’s challenging to design the comfortable and welcoming home of your dreams without a sizable quantity of disposable wealth.

However, when you live in a tiny apartment, it is rather simple to arrange and decorate your space precisely how you like! You can do your own painting, start simple, come up with some creative storage ideas, and buy durable objects that you can gradually upgrade over time.

Take a look at the video below for some small apartment ideas you may use after you move to a new state:

#6 You Won’t Be Tempted to Accumulate Stuff in a Small Home

One big advantage of living in a smaller space is that it forces you to get rid of things you don’t really need. You can’t keep a bunch of unnecessary stuff around when your living space is limited. This means you have to be more selective about the things you own and only keep the things that are truly important to you.

In a larger home, it’s easy to accumulate a lot of stuff over time. But when you live in a smaller space, you have to be more intentional about the things you bring into your home. This can lead to a more minimalist lifestyle, which can be very liberating. It’s certainly with all the fuss moving interstate brings.

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#7 It Is Mentally Freeing to Live in a Smaller Space

The more possessions we own, the more they own us. There are a lot of people who have experienced the benefits of living in a smaller space and loved it. And it makes sense – after all, you have less to take care of and fewer things to clutter up your life. When you don’t have a lot of stuff, you don’t have to worry about keeping it all organized and in its place. You can just relax and enjoy your life without feeling like you’re constantly trying to keep everything in order.

Little children sit on the floor and play after an intrastate moving
Relocating to a smaller space can help you focus on what's really important

Downsizing and Moving to a Smaller Home Is the Start of Your New Adventure

One of the best things about downsizing is that it forces you to really think about what you need and what you can live without. This is the perfect opportunity to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle.

Whatever your reasons for moving to a tiny space are, make sure you get help from experienced and skilled state-to-state movers. Begin the new adventure, one that comes with a more manageable living space, with a successful, stress-free move. Let experts organize your move and deal with daunting long-distance moving tasks while you focus on gathering the best house hunting tips.

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