Making friends in a new city could be difficult depending on your personality. It’s way more complicated than it was when you were a toddler. Right now, you can just approach someone that seems interesting, but you also risk being called a “weirdo” for doing that. Instead of taking chances and talking to random people on the street of the city you just moved to, check out some of our tips for finding friends after moving state to state.
Moving to a different city is bound to change your life. You will be living in a completely new environment, working in a new place, or going to a new school. However, one of the most significant changes will most likely be the people around you. Moving interstate means leaving your friends behind – and making new ones. But let us be honest – when was the last time you have made a new friend? Take a look at a quick reminder of How do I completely make new friends.
Is it Hard to Make Friends in a New City?
Moving interstate can be very stressful. Some people even experience depression after moving and anxiety about moving out. You’ll be saying bye to friends and family, no matter what might be your reasons to move. You could be in a long-distance relationship moving or last-minute moving because of a great job offer. Whatever might be the case, it’s difficult to learn how to meet friends in a new city if you don’t know anyone at all. Making acquaintances is even more challenging if you’re an introvert, and you generally don’t like getting close to everyone you meet. However, all of us need a friend in life, and you can make them quickly with the right approach.
How Long Does it Take to Make New Friends in a New City? It Could Depend on Your Type of Personality
Once you decide that you’re moving interstate, you’ll see how many things have to be done. You have to learn who to notify when moving, to find a new place to live, a new job, get help for the relocation, etc. The tasks continue even after you arrive – it’s the unpacking, setting up utilities, and all other chores. All of this fuss might get you thinking should I move back home and leave all of this behind. Don’t let that happen – you moved for a reason, and you know what you came for. It shouldn’t take you long to meet someone that fits you and who will be pleasant company. As soon as you settle down properly and finish all the stuff that is lingering above your head, you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll have more time to go out and focus on learning how to meet new people in a new city. Starting conversations with someone you haven’t seen before in your life can be awkward sometimes, especially if you’re shy by nature. The same applies to the type of personalities that just aren’t proactive. If you’re that kind of person, you might want to change your attitude and become more outgoing.

Reach to All the People You Know Before Interstate Moving
It’s much easier to figure out everything in a new place if you know someone who can show you around. It doesn’t matter if you are relocating to a smaller home or a bigger home, having someone there to help is important in both cases. If you haven’t met anybody in person that lives in the town you’re now living in, check out whether your friends or family know somebody. Even a friend of a friend means a lot in a situation of moving to a new state. Networking is crucial in this as well, since then you have a whole network of people you can reach out to.
Making Friends in a New City Is Easier If You’ve Been There Before
Are you moving to another state alone? In that case, the safest way to start living on your own somewhere else and to meet new people is to visit that place a few times before you arrive. It will not only help with learning how to make friends in a new city, but also with choosing the part of the town where you’ll reside, or finding the best way to commute. Think of it as relocation preparation – with good and thorough preparation, there’s no mistake.

Making Friends in a New City Can Start from Meeting Your Colleagues
One of the first things to do when moving to a new state is to get a job. In case you’re moving without a job, you’ll have to figure out how to get a job in a new city or how to find work after college. If you’re moving for work, you’ll have a new team to adapt to. The key to doing this might sound obvious, but it’s very simple – just smile and present yourself as a warm and friendly person. Introduce yourself first, and don’t turn down an invite for a drink after work. It’s much easier to seem friendly and relaxed in a casual atmosphere such as a bar, instead of talking in the hallway of an office building.
Watch the following video to see some tips from a productivity expert about introducing yourself to your new work team.
Visit Local Events If You Wish to Make Friends in a New City
The easiest way to introduce yourself and to meet new neighbors is to do some sort of activity with them, such as going to the local festival or an event of some sort. If you enjoy sport, you can also go out to see a game (on a TV in a bar or in the stadium.) Local farmer’s markets are also friendly and casual spots to start a small talk.
Join a Local Community Club or Volunteer at a Place That You Like
Start talking to persons that seem interesting and that have similar interests as you. If you have a hobby that you enjoy, the chances are that there is a group of folks in this city that also loves that activity and that you can join. After moving out for the first time, you can check online whether there are some online groups that interest you and that you can find time to join. Joining a local church community is also a good idea for bonding with your new neighbours.

Go Out for a Drink or Dinner Alone
One of the things on the to-do list of what you should do when you move to a new state is to check out the cafes, bars, pubs, and restaurants near you. If you don’t have anyone to keep you company, go out alone. Don’t be afraid of that – if you go for a drink or a meal in a cool place near your apartment, you will probably meet someone who also lives nearby and who’d like to chat with you. In case you’re moving from a small town to a big city, you could be scared of going out alone, but the fact is that you’ll soon get to meet all of the locals in the community. This is especially true if you all come to the same pub together for a game of billiards or darts.

It’s Easier to Meet People If You Own a Dog
Are you moving with pets, or you plan on adopting a puppy? That could be a great idea both for your life and for meeting new folks. Pet owners don’t have to search for topics for conversations. Animal lovers, in general, enjoy talking about their furry roommates, so if you have a dog, you’ll easily engage in a conversation with another dog owner. The same applies to walking and hanging out in dog parks. Soon enough, you will catch coordinate walking pups, and you’ll walk together. If you don’t have enough space or time for a puppy, or you can’t keep it in your apartment, you can walk somebody else’s dog for money or just for entertainment and enjoyment.

Use the Power of the Internet
There are so many good things about the internet, and online friendships are one of them. You can just search the web and send a message to someone that lives in the same place as you, but you’ve never met in person. If you already follow someone on Instagram that lives in the town you’ve relocated to, slide into their DMs and call them out for lunch. This is specially important if you’re moving to a new city alone and you don’t know anyone to spend time with. Also, there are some amazing free apps for meeting friends, such as Meetup or Nextdoor. Install some of the best ones and find a friend.

Make Sure You Have the Right Relocation Services for Moving Interstate
Sometimes, getting the cheapest way to move out of state might not be the best option. If you’re having trouble finding out how to organize your move but still to know how to move out of state on a budget, you should learn what to get rid of when moving. After decluttering, interstate moving of your household belongings becomes much cheaper. Getting help from the professional state to state movers will ensure that you move safely during the pandemic. All of the services that a relocation company has to offer you will take a lot of worries off your shoulders since you won’t have to worry about them anymore. Finishing all the relocation with only one company means getting everything done in just one phone call. A reputable company will provide you with moving services, full or partial packing services, a free month of a storage unit, protecting every delicate item by custom crating, and loading and unloading services so that you don’t have to carry anything heavy. Getting auto transport services is available as well if you decide that you want to drive in the place you’re coming to. Whatever you wish for – professional movers will do for you, and you’ll relocate without a single worry on your mind.